About Us
The Chemistry Department of Sapienza University was founded in 1982 by the institution of the university departments. It is part of the Mathematics, Physics and Natural Sciences Faculty.
The mission of Chemistry Department is to advance society through education and research carried out by over 90 scientists, including professor and researchers, which operate in the different fields of analytical, physical and theoretical, industrial, inorganic and organic chemistry.
The Department of Chemistry provides a class education with three first cycle degrees (Laurea triennale), the equivalent of a Bachelors Degree, and three programmes of the second cycle (Laurea Magistrale), a Italian Research Doctorate (PhD) and three master programmes.
Chemistry Department is located in the heart of Sapienza Campus (Città Universitaria) in two different buildings: Stanislao Cannizzaro building and Vincenzo Caglioti building.
The Department of Chemistry hosts several laboratories and research facilities, the Gabriello Illuminati library with many interesting books and periodicals, as well as an historical collection, about chemical disciplines, reading rooms for students, and the Primo Levi museum. These facilities aim to provide the highest quality research and education in all the fields of chemical sciences.