Anna Laura Capriotti has been an Associate professor in Analytical Chemistry since 2018. She is the author of more than 180 papers on international, with more than 5900 citations and an h-index of 42. She received the EuCheMS Lecture Award 2017 from the European Chemical Society, the award of young research by the Italian Chemical Society from the Division of Analytical Chemistry in 2015, and the Interdivision of Separation Science in 2017. Moreover, she is analytical science's rising star "The Top 40 Under 40" both in 2018 and 2022 of Analytical Scientist journal. She has been the PI of 6 national and internationally funded research grant units, including food projects, such as AGER project (2016) "Valorization of Italian OLive products through INnovative analytical tools – VIOLIN, and two Ricerca scientifica projects funded by University of Rome La Sapienza in 2016 "Valuable products from agro-food industry waste: isolation of bioactive peptides on laboratory preparative scale by means bidimensional chromatography techniques", and in 2014 "Identification of bioactive food peptides by "omic" analytical methods." Moreover, she obtained funding also regarding clinical projects in which the analytical platforms are essential tools: PRIN project 2017 "Cutting edge analytical chemistry methodologies and bio-tools to boost precision medicine in hormone-related diseases" and PRIN project 2015 "Multifunctional Pre-proposal application nanotools for advanced cancer diagnostics". Prof. Anna Laura Capriotti is a leading expert in the field of peptidomic analysis, with a particular emphasis on short-chain peptides purification and mass spectrometric characterization.