I graduated in Physics in 2006 at La Sapienza, then obtained the PhD in Physics in 2010 at the University of Camerino. My research interests goes from basic physics to electrochemistry and the characterization of applied energy materials. During my PhD I gained experience in X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS) not only in experimental setups, such as in situ XAS measurements on a nanocatalyst in a real proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC), but also in data analysis, statistical simulations and data interpretation. In more detail, I performed the structural characterization of a simple standard bimetallic commercial Pt-Co nanomaterial that was used as a catalyst in PEMFC, combining XAS with XRD and TEM taking into account the actual size distribution and morphology. After the PhD I improved my experience in electrochemistry working at ZSW (Center for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research, Ulm, Germany) and at the Chemistry Department of University of Rome La Sapienza as a post-doc working on the subject of lithium-ion batteries. Lately I have approached the topic of time-resolved spectroscopy because I was interested in the study of the electronic dynamics of nanocatalysts that I had characterized in an exhaustive way in terms of atomic structure. For this reason I got a postdoc position on instrumentation development. In recent years I have held a position as a scientist in Berlin at BESSYII, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin.
My current position is Marie Curie fellow at La Sapienza, Department of Chemistry as PI of the REALSEI project (opeRando chEmical space- and time-reseLved quantification of Solid Electrolyte Interphase in hard carbon anode for sustainable sodium ion batteries).