Ilaria Fratoddi

Full professor
Ilaria Fratoddi is a researcher since 2005 at the Chemistry Department of the Sapienza University of Rome. She received her phD in Chemical Sciences on 2000 working on organometallic polymers and complexes. Her research interests has recently focused on the synthesis and characterization of noble metal nanoparticles, functionalized with organic, organometallic or polymeric thiols. The research also focused on the synthesis and characterization of Pt (II) and Pd (II) organometallic complexes and nanostructured polymeric systems with tunable electronic conjugation, whether or not containing transition metals, such as polyynes, polyenes and multiporphyrinic systems. Extensive studies have been carried out in view of applications as sensors, in optics and photonics and in biotechnology for the interaction of nanostructured materials with enzymes, antibodies and drugs.
Research activity
Scientific area: 
Inorganic chemistry
Research activity: 
The interests of Dr. Fratoddi have developed on the synthesis of nanostructured systems (nanoparticles of Au, Ag and Pt), Pd(II) and Pt(II) organometallic complexes and functional nanostructured polymers with extended electronic conjugation. Her activities was based on synthetic methods and spectroscopic characterization of the materials by means of traditional techniques (FTIR , Far-IR, UV-vis, PL, NMR, GPC, SEM, XPS) and with synchrotron radiation spectroscopies such as NEXAFS, EXAFS and REFL-EXAFS, for which he has participated in experiments at the synchrotron in Grenoble, ESRF GILDA Beam Line (F). Nanomaterials have been studied for applications in optoelectronics and biotechnology. In particular she studied the interactions of nanostructured polymeric materials with enzymatic systems, drugs and antibodies for applications in the biomedicine (drug delivery systems). Her research has been recently addressed to the synthesis of metal nanoparticles stabilized with organic or organometallic thiols, either mono and bifunctional. Her research is witnessed by more than 80 scientific papers in international journals and one international patent.

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