Full time Researcher in Industrial Chemistry (Chemistry Department, La Sapienza University). She is a member of belongs to the Educational Area Councils of Industrial Chemistry and Chemical Sciences. She is a member of the Teaching Board of the Doctorate in Chemical Processes for Industry and the Environment and of the Research Center for Sciences applied to the Protection of the Environment and Cultural Heritage of Sapienza University.
She has participated to several national and international research projects, including the European RES URBIS project (coordinator: M. Majone), the ABASA project of Lazio Innova (coordinator: D. Bellincampi) and the PRIN ASSEMBLe project (coordinator: O. Parolini).
She has participated as a speaker, also by invitation, in numerous national and international conferences. She is the author of 57 scientific publications, 1 patent and 4 book chapters, with 1637 total citations and an H-index of 24 (December 2024). She is a member of the editorial board of the journals Micro (Microscale Biology and Medicines section) and BioMed Research International.