Marco D'Abramo was born in Rome in 1976. He received his Master Degree in Chemistry in 2003 and his PhD in Chemical Sciences in 2007 with a thesis entitled "Statistical mechanical modelling of complex systems: thermodynamics and electronic properties". He spent two years as a postdoctoral fellow in Barcelona (Universidad de Barcelona and Institute of Research in Biomedicine) in the group of Modesto Orozco. He moved to Madrid (Spanish National Cancer Research Center) in 2010.
From 2013 to 2014 was Head of the Computational Unit @ CINECA (Italy). In 2014 he obtained a tenure-track position at the Chemistry Dept. of Sapienza University of Rome, where in April, 2017 he became Associate Professor in Physical Chemistry.
Marco D'Abramo is co-author of about 55 publications in international peer-reviewed journals and he has several international collaborations with theoretical and experimental scientists in the Physical Chemistry and Biophysics field of research.