Olga Russina

Associate professor
Prof. Olga Russina obtained the Natural Science PhD (Dr. Rer. Nat.) at the Technical University of Berlin (GER) in 2004. During her career, she developed research activity at various international research centres. Since 2010 she works at the Chemistry Department of University of Rome Sapienza. Since 2020 she is Associate Professor in Physical Chemistry. Since 2018 she is responsible of EDXD Laboratory, where she develops research activity in the field of structural characterization in soft matter and complex systems (such as ionic liquids and deep eutectic solvents). The EDXD Lab develops also research activity in the field of Cultural Heritage, applying fluorescence spectroscopy for elementary analysis. Since 2018 she is responsible for the XRD Lab at CNIS (Sapienza). Since 2020 she is Member of the Board of Directors of CNIS (Sapienza). Since 2019 she founding Member of the European Ionic Matter Society. She is Editor of a Special Issue of the Journal of Molecular Liquids on “Structural and dynamic properties of ionic liquids”. She authored two invited Perspective articles on the Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (2012 and 2017). She is author of 11 papers with >100 citations and two Highly Cited Papers (ISI). She was invited to ACS Meetings and a Gordon Conference. She authored 60 publications with a total of ca. 4000 citations and an Hindex = 28 (ISI). She develops teaching activity in the framework of Physical Chemistry III (with Lab), Physical Chemistry I (Lab) and Physical Chemistry II (Lab). Her Research ID code is: G-9780-2012.
Research activity
Scientific area: 
Physical chemistry
Research activity: 
Prof. Olga Russina is expert of structural and dynamic properties characterization in soft matter and complex systems, with particular care devoted to ionic liquids and deep eutectic solvents and their mixtures. Her paper "Nanoscale segregation in room temperature ionic liquids" appeared on J. Phys. Chem. B (2007) has >900 citations and is a fundamental reference in the understanding of mesoscopic structural organization in ionic liquids. Her research is focused on the synergic exploitation of experimental diffraction techniques (X-ray and neutron) and computational tools. She develops her research using in house available instrumentation (EDXD, SAXS). Particular attention is devoted to activity at European Large Scale facilities (synchrotrons and neutron sources): several measurements rounds per year are conducted at these facilities, in order to explore structural and dynamic features of complex systems. The presently developed research activities focus on: - Eco sustainable mixtures of deep eutectic solvents with carbohydrates; - Role of hydrogen bonding on the formation of ion pairs in protic ionic liquids - Weak intermolecular interactions in aromatic compounds
Supervisor of the following lines of research:
In the staff of the following lines of research:
Scientific papers: 
Available to students: 
Lunedi /Giovedi 14-16

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