ragazza con beuta


The Department promotes scientific research via its more than 90 professors and researchers and a research staff of more than 110 people (PhD students, research fellows and scholarship fellows).

Research topics cover the areas of analytical chemistry, physical chemistry, industrial chemistry, and inorganic and organic chemistry. A full listing of all lines of research is available in the relative section.

Some of the scientific laboratories, which provide departmental research staff with advanced scientific instruments for elemental analysis, ICP-OES, MS, NMR, Raman and SEM-EDS, are  also available to Faculty, University and third parties for a cost.

Among the Department facilities there are also the High Tech Recycling (HTC) Interuniversitary Research Center and the Interdepartmental Research Center for Sciences applied to the safeguard of Environment and Cultural Heritage (CIABC).

The Department hosts research staff of three Institutes of the National Research Council (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, CNR): Biomolecular Chemistry Institute, Chemical Methodologies Institute and Institute for the Study of Nanostructurated Materials.

Ultime notizie

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© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma