"Gabriello Illuminati" Library of Chemistry
From Wednesday 27 May the loan and consultation service of the Gabriello Illuminati Library is available by appointment. Appointments can be requested by email. Loans can be requested by using the search engine of the Sapienza Libraries Catalogue upon login with your Sapienza email account. You will receive a "loan confirmation" email with the pick-up date. Users can book consultations by sending an email to the library (Last update 21.05.2020)
The Library "Gabriel Illuminati" is currently located on the third floor of the Chemistry Department, V. Caglioti building (CU032), awaiting the completion of the new library into ground floor of the S. Cannizzaro building (CU014).
Access to the library services is allowed all users to consult the library books and magazines available in the library.
Library is equipped with two reading and study rooms with Sapienza Wi-Fi Internet access.
Library openign hours
From Monday to Thursday: 8.00-18:00 and 14.30-19.00
Friday: 8.30-14.00
Books distributing service is until one hour before library closing
Please note: opening hours may be subjected to variations.
Consulting books and journals
You can request through the “request consultation” form, library books, journals, series etc. You must present a valid identity document. You must return consulting texts when you leave the reading room, and at least 30 minutes before the library closure.
Borrow volumes
Borrowing service is allowed only the Mathematics, Physics and Naturals Sciences Faculty students and Department teachers and researchers. To this end user must sign up by providing identification data and by presenting a personal user code to enter Sapienza libraries services. Borrowing is allowed for a maximum period of 30 days (15 days for students with possibility of extension). Antique collections and magazines located in collection room for general consultation cannot be lent. Any abuse or damage will be reported to the Library management that may suspend the user from service.
Inter-Library Loans
The Illuminati Library provides Inter-Library Loans (ILL) service that provides documents owned or retrieves those not available by the library for its users. The service is subject to the payment of a rate equivalent to the shipping charges.
For every book requested a fee is applied to cover postage and any refund required by the lending library:
- 1 IFLA voucher (value euro 8) or euro 6 (via bank transfer to Sistema Bibliotecario Sapienza)for Italian Libraries
- euro 6 by money transfers Bankit n. 308823, for Public Authorities
- euro 6 by IBAN IT47B0200805227000101924346 (with indication as cause of ILL number and Library name) for Private subjects
- 1 voucher IFLA (value euro 8) for Foreign Libraries
For every document duplication requested an applied fee is euro 4 for Italian Libraries, euro 1 voucher IFLA (value euro 4) for Foreign Libraries.
Spending is carried out once a week (Wednesday) by SBS.
Libraries can submit requests via the SOL system (Sebina Open Library) or by e-mail. Users can borrow items possessed by the libraries of other Italian or overseas universities and institutions by contacted the library staff, which will forward the request. For the reimbursement of expenses to other libraries we will be used IFLA vouchers provided by our library.
Document Delivery
The Library is included in NILDE circuit sharing system that allows interlibrary document delivery.